Author Guidelines

Writing articles/manuscripts in Al-I’jaz: Journal of the Study of the Qur’an, Philosophy, and of the Classical and Contemporary Islamic Issues includes the following writing rules:

Al-I’jaz: Journal of the Study of the Qur’an, Philosophy, and of the Classical and Contemporary Islamic Issues is inviting scientists and experts in various disciplines in the region to conduct in-depth studies of Islamic thought including the Study of the Qur’an, Philosophy, and of the Classical and Contemporary Islamic Issues either in the perspective of exact or social-humanities sciences to submit articles/manuscripts with the following conditions:

  1. Articles submitted must be original, research-based, never published, and not currently in a review process that allows them to be published in other publications;
  2. Articles are written in standard Indonesian or English (with spacing 1.5, Times New Romans size 12 font) or standard Arabic (with spacing 1.5, Traditional Arabic size 16 font) on A4 Paper using Microsoft Word Format (doc or docx). Articles must be submitted via the Submit Article menu with an article length of 6,000 to 10,000 words (see template of the manuscript);
  3. A team of editors, expert editors, and bestari partners (reviewers) will review all submitted articles. Articles that comply with the provisions of the theme, format, and length of the article will be accepted by going through the review process;
  4. Articles submitted must include an abstract of 150-200 words and 3-5 keywords (see template of the manuscript). All articles must be submitted via the Submit Article menu;
  5. Citations must use footnotes and a bibliography referencing the format Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note). Articles whose citations are made using citation software Mendeley or Zotero preferred;
  6. All articles submitted should take citations from 3 relevant manuscripts published in al-I’jaz at minimum;
  7. Arabic transliteration uses the Traditional Arabic font with the following references, please download here;
  8. The writing of bibliography and footnotes please see details regarding font, size, margin and spacing from the template of manuscript in this Journal, and then follows the following guidelines:

Books With More Than Two Authors:

Last name, First name (author 1), and First name Last name (author 2). Book Title (Italic). City or State: Publisher, Year.


Afifuddin dan Beni Ahmad Saebani, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2012.


1Afifuddin dan Beni Ahmad Saebani, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2012, 21.

Translation Books:


Abu Zaid, Nasr Hamid. Tekstualitas Al-Qur’an: Kritik Terhadap Ulumul Qur’an. Terj. Khoiron Nahdliyyin. Yogyakarta: LKiS, 2001.


1Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, Tekstualitas Al-Qur’an: Kritik Terhadap Ulumul Qur’an, Terj. Khoiron Nahdliyyin. Yogyakarta: LKiS, 2001, 26.

Article of Journal


Maslukhin, “Kosmologi Budaya Jawa dalam Tafsir Ibriz karya KH. Bishri Mushthofa”, Mutawatir: Jurnal Keilmuan Tafsir Hadis Volume 5, Nomor 1, (Juni 2015).


1Maslukhin, “Kosmologi Budaya Jawa dalam Tafsir Ibriz karya KH. Bishri Mushthofa”, Mutawatir: Jurnal Keilmuan Tafsir Hadis Volume 5, Nomor 1, (Juni 2015), 35. (

Publications In Media


AS Hikam, Muhammad. “NU dan Gerakan Civil Society di Indonesia”. Suara Pembaruan, 03 Agustus 1994.


1Muhammad AS Hikam, “NU dan Gerakan Civil Society di Indonesia”, Suara Pembaruan, 03 Agustus 1994, 1.

Edited Book


Bennett, David and Juhana Toivanen (Editors), “Philosophical Problems in Sense Perception: Testing the Limits of Aristotelianism”, Vol. 26 Springer Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, Switzerland: Springer, 2020.


1David Bennett and Juhana Toivanen (Editors), “Philosophical Problems in Sense Perception: Testing the Limits of Aristotelianism”, Vol. 26 Springer Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, 25.

Chapter In Edited Book      


Aphornasuvan, Thanet. “Negara-Bangsa dan Identitas Muslim dalam Kerusuhan dan Kekerasan Selatan.” In Memahami Konflik dan Mendekati Perdamaian di Thailand Selatan, edited by Imtiyaz Yusuf and Lars Peter Schmidt. Bangkok: KAS, 2006.


1Thanet Aphornasuvan, 'Negara-Bangsa dan Identitas Muslim dalam Kerusuhan dan Kekerasan Selatan,” in Memahami Konflik dan Mendekati Perdamaian di Thailand Selatan, ed. Imtiyaz Yusuf and Lars Peter Schmidt (Bangkok: KAS, 2006), 25.

Dissertation or Thesis


Ceylan, Yesin, “Theology and Tafsir in the Major Works of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi” (Dissertation – Faculty of Arts, University of Edinburgh, 1980).


1Yesin Ceylan, “Theology and Tafsir in the Major Works of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi” (Dissertation – Faculty of Arts, University of Edinburgh, 1980), 23-43.



Suwendi, “Penguatan Layanan Publikasi & Penelitian” Dipresentasikan pada Pelatihan Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2018.


1Suwendi, “Penguatan Layanan Publikasi & Penelitian,” Pelatihan Publikasi Jurnal Ilmiah (UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2018).



Salih, Hashim, “Jamal al-Banna bayn al-Islah al-Dini wa al-Tanwir” dalam www.assyarqalawsat .com/24 Mei 2004 (accessed June 20, 2008).


1Hashim Salih, “Jamal al-Banna bayn al-Islah al-Dini wa al-Tanwir” dalam Mei 2004 (accessed June 20, 2008).